Solteros De Salt Lake City Airport Terminal Map United Airlines

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Season with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Add fish; pour into the bottom half of a fish mold rinsed with cold solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines ter: set In refrigerator. Soften gelatin In cold water. Dissolve bouillon cube in boiling water; add to gelatin and stir until gelatin Is dissolved. Add onion, chill sauce; cool. Slowly pour in chilled carbonated, wa- ter. Add parsley, carrot and ce- l rv.

Pour onto set fish layer and return to refrigerator to set firmly. For a party luncheon, serve with hot crisp rolls, chilhfd soft drinks.

Keep them iced until Just before serving. Their tangy carbonatlon i- better that way. Egg Aspic serves 4 Three hard-cooked eggs, Vi cup cooked peas and carrots, 1 tablespoon gelatin tl envelope 1, 2 tablespoons cold water.

Slice eggs. Arrange in bottom of 6-inch, buttered pie pah and garnish with carrots and peas. Fill with layers of sliced egg. Pour over srrs and chill in refriger- ator until firm. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise dressing. You can do It, though, if you'll think these situations through and answer honestly Just how you would meet them. You go to a dull party. Would you sit and wonder why you ever accepted in the first place and try to figure out how early you can leave without seeming to be rude?

Or would you figure that the hostess needs some help in livening things up and put yourself out to be as diverting and entertaining as possible? A friend's husband asks you for suggestions before buy- ing a gift for his wife, and afterwards the wife shows you the gift proudly. Solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines you say, "I'm so glad you like it because Bob telephoned me for some suggestions and I happened to remember you had said you wanted such and such"?

Or would you admire the gift and let Bob's wife think how clever he was In getting Just what she wanted? You know a friend is in a low mood and needs cheer- ing up and you Intend to do something about it. Would announce your good intentions by saying: "I thought I'd come by and try to cheer you up" or "I thought you needed to get out"? Or would you do your good deed without letting it be known that you were dogooding?

You are In a group where another woman is being dis- cussed. Would you point out something you don't like about her? Or would you mention solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines about her that you find at- tractive or admirable not in an "I-always-look-for-the-best-ln- everybody" manner, which Is sure to be irritating to the others, but in an offhand way that points up something really worth- while abcrtft the other person?

Look for such situations in your everyday Ufe and notice how you meet them. You may be surprised either because you art more or less charming than you had always thought. After marking your buttonholes, rub the wrong side of the fabric at those points with white lib- rary paste. Allow the paste to dry thoroughly before vou begin sewing, and you'll find the ma- terial around the silt now has enough body to work easily.

Haste makes waste, when you eliminate rinsing to hurry on to the drying of your glasses. Your best rule of kitchen cleanliness Is to swish away dirt as it appears. Particularly Is this Tua for vour refrigerator. Don't alt until defrosting time to 1 lean up spilled foods or liquids. A quick swipe with luke-warm sudsy water at the lime of the accident will steal very little of your refrigerator's cold, will save you grief later on.

The washing of your plastic shower curtainusuallv a cum- bersome taskwill be easier if you trv this method. Begin by soaking It in a tub of sudsy wa- ter until soil and soap deposits are dissolved. Then rinse, and dry the right and wrong sides simultaneously soaking up moisture with a bath towel held in each hand. Home-owners who wish to achieve a professional look in their creations might profit from this tip from the experts. Before laving out your pattern, press vour material with a steam Iron.

Although it may ap- pear wrinkle-free, you'll find this extra smoothness will pay dividends when you begin cut- ting. Medium-sized cups are usually best for all-purpose use.

A cup 2V Inches in diameter bv l'i Inches in depth is a good size. So too, Is a cup three inches across and lVj inches deep. As guardians of the family bud- get, women In all parts of the country are going in for value shopping. To have earrings fit in with your costume, use two matching rhlnestpne buttons. Use a household cement or me- tal glue to Join backs and but- tons and your earrings will stay put permanently.

Bureau of Education on Fair Trade, adding that the price Jumps on almost all merchandise puts quite a burden on them. They nevertheless are making headway through the price "ve- to. If dissatisfied with one price.

With poono you gat wi aupar illue- tratinc oomplete oervtoo and price Uat of lovely table liver. Mf i Co. JJiifku Sit 2 b Asst. Jesse Smith, who are visiting here af- ter 40 years as missionaries in Chile, will be In charge of the program at the meeting f the Balboa Union Church women's Auxiliary Tuesday morning. The meeting will follow a breakfast at 9 a. Mothers who wish to attend the meeting may leave their children m the Church Nursery. All women of the Church and.

Jennison, Jr. Waggoner of Suffolk, Virginia. She will return to" the Isthmus at the close of the school year, arriving June 11, and a mid-summer wedding is planned. Clarence W. Dll- f ill of Detroit, Michigan, will ar- rive Monday on the 8. Edward N. Dllflll and Mrs. Stokes are cou- sins. Captain solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines Mrs. Peacher, U. Eddy to Sail Friday on 8. Alace E. Eddy, of Pro- vidence and New York who has spent the winter with her son- in-law and daughter, the former Italian Minister to Panama and Mrs.

Lulgi Marian! Marlanl and their daughter, Miss Qullana Marian! Miss Carol Sergeant will be the ac- companist and will also play two piano solos by Chopin. Scripps is bound to figure pro- minently.

He founded news- papers, acquired others and In- creased his and his family's hold- ings until his "empire" Included nearly forty newspapers plus many related journalistic enter- prises.

The climax of his career was the founding, inof the United Press, to secure "freedom from the temptation of one huge news monopoly. Now, 25 years after his death, Scripps' autobiography has been publish- ed, consisting of random notes which he kept on his personal Ufe, his business ventures and his philosophy.

Edited by Charles R. Scripps was proud of the ap- pellation "crank," believing It epitomized his distinction from more ordinary men. He was proud of most of his qualities which he said included ah In- ordinate capacity for liquor, ci- gars, and the ability to choose good executives and make money.

What this extraordinary person- al account lacks In modesty and warmth it makes up In frankness, and constitutes an entertaining and Instructive view of the pri- solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines life of one of the most powerful figures in American journalism Miss Master to Marry Mr. Danford Miss Joyce Masters, daughter of Mr. Carl E.

Danford was a student at the University of Texas and was recently called back to service ith the Air Force. He is presently stationed at Enid, Oklahoma. All members of the club are urged to be present.

solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines

Thomas F. Foley of Balboa and their daughters, Irene and Rita Marie, expect to sail May 25 to make their home in the United states. Foley, wh0 has resigned from service 1th The Panama Canal, plans to attend the University of Virginia at Charlottsville. Returning Monday Mrs. Starting today El Panama Ho- tel will have In the Patio In- formal cocktail dances Sunday afternoons from 4 to 7 and buf- let dinners and dancing from 7 to 9 8unday evenings.

Clouds in the Wind, by F. An a- cute analysis solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines character. Candies for Therese, by I. Wylie Random House : Rich- ard Clyde, posing as an artist in a French village, seeks out a traitor who turned his half-bro- ther'and other resistance heroes over to the Nazis during the oc- cupation. Hangsman, by 8hlrley Jackson Farrar, Straus and Young The emergence of a year-old girl from adolescence Is a time of great emotional tumult, as Natalie Waite discovered In this sensitively told story Frances Parkinson Keyes.

Commissary Promotion Goes To G. Engelke George N. Engelke will become assistant general manager of the Commissary Division May 13, as- suming the position vacated by the promotion of R. Sullivan to General Manager last Oct. Engelke has been Super- visor of Retail Stores since Sept. This Is a primer toward that un- derstanding Charles P.

Tour of Salt Lake City International Airport Concourses A, B and C

Morgan at Mlraf lores. A delightful luncheon and program have been planned. Re- servations for the luncheon may be made by telephoning to Mrs. Zelnick, BalboaMrs. Riter, BalboaMrs. Kllpper, Bal- boa or Mrs. Morrlll, Balboa Recording Secretary. Carhart Llppln- cott. Written In a simple inter- esting style, the book points to vital problems solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines water that must be solved In The not too distant future.

Passionate voluptuousness Is faired with ascetic lntellectuall- y. Burning col- ors are encased In soft, melodi- ous lines. Exaggeratedly elongat- forms are presented with sophis- ticated elegance. Be was 22, gifted, handsome and tubercular. He went to Paris. There he drove himself from one love affair to another. Narcotics and heavy drinking spurred his highly In- flammable phantasy and under- mined his falling health.

From Italy he brought the Leonardesque tradition that solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines is perfection and that drawing Is the fundament of art. He never ceased to practice the abstract art of drawing. Yet his main Interest switched In Paris to the most concrete art: sculpture. He took up painting after only. By then his dis- cipline was strong enough to master the rapturous sensuality of color.

Modlgllanl was Interested ex- clusively In people. He painted Into his nudes his insatiable desire of the women he loved.

It was a race against time for immortality. He died In at the age of His long overdue retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art Is the top show of the season. Direct C. A- 1 condition throughout, overdrive, good gas mileage. Call House B, 8th St. New Cris- tobal. One owner cor. Must se" by Monday. No reasonable offer refused. Can fin- ance. Coll Cu- rundu Heights. Selling on account of buying new cor. La Importadora Selecta, No. Telephone Leather uphols- tered, naw re-capped tires, new battery.

New condition in and out. Cascodae Rd. Phone Duty Poid. Balboa No liguids. Fresh crystal cartridges, for ordinary and three-speed changers. Also, three speed needles. We also have table-model radio phonograph combi- nations.

Genuine Hudson ond Studeboker parts; we still, corry a large stock of replacements ports coll on your old friends if repairing the buggy. Tropicol Motors Inc.

Good condition, original owner. Coll AlbrookQuarters House A, Prodo. This class, which began in January, under the direction o Mrs. Betty Bentz. Begin- ning Monday, instruction will '. New pupils are invited to join the class at the beginning of each month. Virginia says solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines was a cruel quirk of nature that made her too soft-hearted to become a pro- fessional livestock exhibitor.

Virginia raised a prize-winning Aberdeen-Angus steer for the mid-south Junior livestock show. Virginia Isn't happy with the money. She wishes she had her gentle bovine, Buster back. She says she missed them just as much when they died or strayed as she did when Buster was led away. So Virginia figures she's all washed up at the age of Now she'll have to pick out another Krofesslon.

Write Alcoholics Anonymous ox Aneen, C. Give mother a give of beauty A permanent. A series of sham- poos ond sets. A course of luxur- ious face treatment. Speciol rotes for mothers. Gift cords supplied. Genell Bliss, Cocoli Beauty Shop.

Tropidura Stores. Gatwn, House Sibert St. Diablo Hgts. Excellent con- dition. G, bouse Sibert St. Hoover new model. House A, Cocol!. PhonePanam. Car bed and 2 chairs. House B. Gatun House A, Pedro Mi- guel.

Elec- tric light plant 2. Colon J. Only one bedroom. References required. Co- lon phones 1I9I-J or L. Best American Bloodlines, Baby orchids bouquet and corsages for Mother's Day.

Delivery, United States orders accepted until May 10th. Panoma and Canal Zone until May 13th. Orchid Gardens, telephone Wi'l trade or exchange for Cerrtera, Radio, or any other acceptable item, on almost new Photostatic. Equipment, complete, for duplicat- ing and copying documents, pho- tos, letters, etc. Phone Panama. Audi- torium, Balboa, Fridoy Moy 1 1th. Come all ond morvel ot the work creoted and executed by one wo- man.

Admission 50 cents. Service- men free, children holf price. Tic- kets from pupils or ot the door. In spite girls- aged from three to seventeen ar- riving at the theotre to find dress- ing rooms flooded out potio ditto Pitched in ond dressed in any corner without comment or grum- ble 'Merrily. Merrily' hos been acclaimed as the best yet of Madge Lbckes reputation as teoch- er and Producerthey learn not only to donee and the ort of ex- pression but they leorn the trade of the theotre.

Phone orCoco Solo. Moury's Orchid's Gardens. Orchids for Mother's Day. Shipments to United States. Also local orders. Telephone Cris- tobol BoxCristobal. Smoll palms, potted plonts for sole. Sword tails.

Send n- formotion and price to P. Box Ancon. Write including price to P. Box Ancon, C. Wanted Position Tull time position os maid. Present employe leaving Moy Sponish ond English spoken. Three bedrooms.

Furni- ture is muted modern and in first class condition. Located between Poitllla and Panama Golf Club. Available for one year. Te- lephone Via Espaa No. Miguel Hive. Very cheap. Modern furnished-unfun- ished apartment. Contact office No. PhoneColn. House 20, San Francisco. PhonePanemi. PhonePonami. For information call telephone 3- Privte en- tronce. FOR RENT:Quiet, well ventilated 2 bedroom apartment, each with bath, living-dlningroom, servont quarters, hot woter installation, good location.

Bella Vista 44th St. Apply Tel. Apply V. M Osso ot, 12;! Moke on offer. Terms to responsible buyer. Phone Posey, Bolboo The pavilion la being built In the style of their Indian huts. Samples of native Indian pro- ducts and works of art will be on exhibition at their pavilion dur- ing the nine days of the Fair, May 12 to May It was recently learned that a delegation of 50 Indians from the Ialand of Tigre, in San Bias, will be arriving shortly at this city to stage their native dances and songs at the Fair grounds on the inauguration night of the Fair, and during several days there- after.

The Panama Newspapermer. Williams Santa Clara Beach Cottoges. Two bedrooms, electric refrigera- tion. Rockgas ranges. Phone Sal- boo Except weekends. Phone ' Beach cottages, Santo Clara Box numberBalboa. Phone Ponami or Cristobal 3- Gramlich's Santa Claro beach- cottages. Electric ice boxes, gas stoves, moderate rates. Westinghouse Re- frigerotor. Porceloin inside ond out. House Ancon, Apt. Telephone Bolboo Simmons Studio Couch, choir, cof- fee table, two book ceses, 6 pr. TelephoneQtrs.

One ehrom table formica top. Call after 4 p. HouseWilliamson Place, Bol- boo. Tele- phone Westing- house Refrigerator. Large G. Record ploy- er with automatic changer. All 25 cycle.

Solid mahogany double bed. Lamps and other orticles cheap. House A Coscodos Rd. Poir corved comphor chests with drawers. GoviJan road K. Reason- able price. Regular transportation ond telephone. Inquire Tel. UP A little-known but extremely Interesting quirk of vision is the existence of a "blind spot" in each eye. The Inner Image-receiving portion of the eyes, technically termed the retina, has a spot roughly circular In shape and approximately l'lflth of an Inch in diameter which Is Incapable o receiving Impressions.

This "blind, spot" is the point where the optic nerve joins the retina. You are not conscious of the spot far two reasons. They are in slightly different locations in each eye and their lack of sen- sitive elements normally makes It Impossible to perceive them.

You may prove the existence of the blind spots for yourself by this simple test. Cov- er your left eye and look fixedly at the dot. Hold the paper about 12 Inertes from your right eye and slowly move the paper in.

Both the cross and dot are seen. As you bring the paper gra- dually closer the cross will dis- appear at about eight inches. Mi in! May 5 UP A college music professor here has bridged the gap be- tween waltzes and worms. Lloyd K. Hetren, who d vides his time between music classes at Northeastern State College and 30, hybrid red wiggle to hls'. The wpriflT j30W. The worm, however, promise to be the more profitable.

Herrn says his worms are valuable becauae they wiggle much longer than the common garden variety, after being dunked on a fishhook. Mine wig- gle for IS minutes under wa- ter. May 5 UP A mysterious, glowing light that has been seen along a rural lane near here has touched oil many reports. Similar ghoatly apparitions are eald to appear regularly In Tide-water, Virgi- nia. The lights range from a weird lantern that can be aeen swing- ing In trees surrounding a coun- try graveyard near Bacons Castle on the James River to a "ghost ship" that moves up a salt, creek.

Scientists attri- bute the lights to decaying mat- ter. The strange light seen along Jackson Roawi south of, 8uffolk attracted such crowds that po- lice investigated. The light was seen by state police, court offi- cials, reporters and others but no explanation for,lt was found. The light would vanish mys- teriously as witnesses approch- ed It. According to data complied by the quartermaster general, the Army's menus now Include coffee at seven breakfasts, six lunches and six suppers weete- y.

Before the menus were se- lected, the Army conducted "ac- ceptability tests" to determine preferences. In the case of warm beverages, several popu- lar types were made available at hundreds of breakfasts, lunches and suppers. Surveyji teams observed how often each" was selected. Similar tests were conducted simultaneously' for cold beverages and for food Item. As a result, In the warm be- verage flajd, the Army now is- sues the following quantities per man each year: coffee, He served variously as Minis- ter of the Interior.

Minister of Justice and President of the State Council-during the short lived Croation puppet regime. The United State, did not answer thfc request. Federal authorities say they know Artukovich is living here, but he 1 nol wanted for de- portation. HI cousin, Peter Artukovich. The two day event which features a big Intercollegiate rodeo, a streea parade, a barbecue, and a dance, will be held May 18 and Amer- ican women could save "minions of dollar a year" If they'd learn how to buy and take care of stocking, the president of a large hosiery firm says.

Qustave Frankell said the stocking has not been made that "will survive washing in hot water with strong soap, carelessly dropped cigarette ashes, or the rough grain of wooden chair legs. Rough finger nails and chapped hands are two of the worst hazards to hosiery, he said. The other way to save money. Franke said, Is to use heavier stockings for every-day wear. No woman can wear sheer stocking for "strenuous, active wear ana expect them to last," he said.

May I UP Mrs. Bvle C. Ledbetter filed suit for divorce from Emanuel D. Mra Ledbetter charged In her petition that her husband has continuously received calls from other women since their mar- riage in She said she has "reason to believe that the de- fendant visits other women. Ledbetter Is 71 and her husband Is Two luxurious suites available C. Fiador Knot JJay 14 S. Levers Bend May R.

Cape Cumberland JJay U S. Cape Ana Cape Avlnof Cap Cod Ocrai tonal Salrinri lo New Orleani and Mobile. Paasenger Service Only May 15 8. Small tables were arranged around the dance Iloor and on the verandahs.

Over a hundred and forty students and guests at- tended the dance. Miss Bess Liter, faculty spon- sor, assisted the students with their plans for the successful evening. Helen, f O tun. Wallace E.

Rushing, of Margarita, son of the late Dr. William E. Rushing of Augusta. Georgia The wedding took place Saturday, May at S. Morle Bergeson of Parran, with Chaplain Bergeson performing the ceremony.

The bride chose for the occa- sion n afternoon dress of blue net styled with a circular skirt I rimmed with graduated bands of checked tissue gingham. The bodice had short sleeves and a tquare neckline finished with a band of the gingham. She used white accessories and had a headdress of matching net and white agapanthua. Her flowers were white orchids. Grady Hardlson, of Mar- garita, was the matron of honor.

She wore a pink Unen and lace afternoon dress. Her flowers were gardenias and she wore a floral headdress. Hardison was best man fm Mr. Elizabeth Rowley enter- tained a group of friends with dinner at the Hotel Washington that evening to honor Mr. Tr honorees cut a white heart-shaped wedding cake, which centered the tabla and from which extended floral sprays.

Rushing are well- known on the Atlantic Side. Gatun Elementary School. Last Rushing is the principal of the vear she received her Master's de- cree from Northwestern Univer- sity at Evanston, Ullnols. They will be at home at Apar. The banquet was served in the main dining room of the Hotel. The large E-shaped table sea. Special guests were Dr. Law- rence Johnson. Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. Esser and Mrs. Raebttr i.

Carl Maedl. Marlon H. Burt of Colum- bus, Georgia, has been the house guast of Colonel and Mrs. James K. Bowen of Fort Gullck. Recent Departures Mr. Gray of Gatun, was among those sailing Friday for the States. He Is en route to Mis- souri and will be joined by his la- mlly at a later date. Dorow Entertain with Cocktail Party Mr. James D. Dorow entertained solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines an elaborate cocktail party at their Cristobal residence last evening.

The invited guests were: Cap- tain and Mrs. James E. Robert Fahle, Captain and Mrs. John Schelbe- lef, Col. James Pumiv- eUv, Lt. Ronayne, Mr. Adams Mr. Anthony Raymond. Peter Van Dan, Mr. August Campbe". Marcelle Grln- goire, Mr. Joseph Noou- an.

Captain Charles Fenton, Mr. Charles Whltaker, Mr. Jorge Patino Lina- res, Mr, and Mrs. Eustace Lee, Mr. Herman Henri- quez, Mr. Kenneth d? Frank Can- ivmelo. Bernard Eibner. Victor Au- bert. John Glancey. Edmund MacVlttle, Mr. MacSpa Captain and Mrs. Fahnestoek, Mr.

An HD Tour of Salt Lake City International Airport, Concourses A, B, C, D, and E (2015)

Malla, Mr, and Mrs L. Lee Cramer. Brure Carpenter. Paul Sidebotham. Basil Ford, Mr. James Piala. Rafael de Bovrle. Wayne Glider and Mr. Clarence Jacobson of Pedro Miguel. Bon Voyage Dinner Party Mr. Caleb Solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines of Gatun, had as their guests for dinner yesterday.

Y7 Ebdon. Fred Ebdon of Ga- tun who are leaving In the near future to reside in the States. Their other guests were: Mr and Mrs. J, Ebdon, Jr. Leon Egolf. George Egolf, Miss Bar- bara Egolf. Bruce Scogglns. Thomas Eggor and daughters of New Cristobal. Egger's parents, Mr. David 8. Huff in Ban- dera, Texas. Philip B. Mllburn has re- signed his position with the Commissary Division. Harry C. Walbrldge, who is a member of the nursing staff of the Colo.

Hospital, will Join her family In the near future. Walbrldge has resigned his position with the Industrial Bu- reau. UAS G. Arthur Rossette, an ex-marine, opened his "Capricorn" restaur- ant last week. Rossette is only one of many Americans who have given Paris night life that "American look" since the war.

His "eatery" draws almost as many expatriate Amer- - leans as Frenchmen. An unmistakable Brooklyn-like "hl-ya" rings out and a girl in tight-fitting sweater and low saddle shoes strides Into the i "Capricorn" followed by a troupe of American students and artists.

They pack In both French and Americans nightly. That would seldom happen in New York. Small boats glide up to the rear door and clients can sip Amer- ican whiskies and soft drinks on sofas, with the stars and stripes over the door. It's not as gay as the pre-war, 'lost generation' days. Maybe both FrenrJi and Americans are a bit more sub- dued now. Dlck- steln, a jobber for plaster saints and crucifixes. Another voice asked Mrs. Dlcksteln to let him sneak with her "Negro-loving S.

But while some calls were threatening, the Dlcksteins have received "a million and 99 con- gratulatorv calls," Mrs. Dlcksteln aid. No threats had been re- ceived last night. Dlcksteln was foreman of a jury that acquitted Alexander Bloxom of the holdup murder of Gordon Lamlnock, white fill- ing station operator. The Ne- gro's defense was that he went to the, Dlact with another Ne- ero, unaware of the robbery plans, and took no part in the shooting.

When the verdict came down Circuit Judge Robert J. Wheeler called lt "doot encouragement to the faithful officers who handled the case" and "a mis- carriage -of justice. Dlcksteln said. A A, Machine. Displayed on El Prado In Bal- boa durine. The 90 millimeter and the 40 millimeter antiaircraft rifles w'. The 38th radio controlled air- plane target detachment planes, always a enter of Interest to Zonlans. Present plans call for a display of and 90 millimeter antiair- craft weapons with tractor and wrecker equipment In addition to a 40 millimeter AA gun com- plete with fire control director.

Also from the 76th Battalion arsenal will be displayed the now Korea-famous quadruple mount caliber. Two alleged gamblers in- dicted for contempt of Congress. New state crime commission will be formed. Gam- bling operations re- duced. Four big policy operators In- dicted on gambling conspiracy charges.

One police cap- tain suspended, sev- eral others trans- ferred. G a m bier s duck for cover. City council preparing ordinance to forbid publication of odds on sporting events Ex Mayor Solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines facing income tax and perjury- Investigations.

Water Commfssipner James Moran ousted 2nd indicted for perjury. Joe Adonis facing possible per- jury and contempt charges. Grand jury investigat- ing alleged alli- ance between police officials and criminis. Vice squad leader commit- ted suicide. Detective Chief George Richard- son removed from- command. Federal Grand Jury cleaned up gam- bling, routed many local hoodlums prior to hearings. Kefau- ver Committee sought to link Ital- ian Mafia and U. Madison County, Three law enforcement officials indicted on charges of bribery and corrupt Influence.

Pinball operations under in- vestigation. Two sheriffs sus- pended by governor. May solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines UP The American Red Cross re- porta all of Philadelphia's more than 2, residents might have to be evacuated in the event of an atom bomb attack.

With that possibility in mind. Red Cross officials designated six suburban areas as centers for medical care, feeding and sheltering of the homeless. About schools would be used as temporary shelters, as well as other types of public buildings. Red Cross leaders spent more than two vears working out the disaster blueprint.

solteros de salt lake city airport terminal map united airlines

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Puede ser que se encuentre lejos de casa y de la oficina, pero en Hotel Plaza nos encargamos por proporcionarle el mejor de los servicios y a la mas Alta Calidad para que su visita sea de lo mas productiva. Haircuts and hairstyles at Salon Cielo CieloChic. La decoración del salón para fiestas depender de que tipo de fiesta se trate. South Scottsdale é o fogar dun novo centro de investigación da Universidade Estatal de Arizona. En Querétaro tenemos muchas opciones de salones y jardines de eventos para cualquier tipo de evento, bodas, bautizos, cumpleaos.

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